Low-coSt and energy-efficient hybrid Photonic integrated circuits for fibeR-optic, free-space optIcal and mmWave commuNication systems supporting Time critical networking in industrial EnviRonments
SPRINTER comes as a pragmatic innovation action that will rely on well-proven photonic integration technologies to develop a complete solution tailored to the diverse needs of industrial networks underpinning the way towards the fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0).
SPRINTER will combine the best-of-breed optical components and methods from various powerful but complementary photonic integration platforms to develop low-cost, energy-efficient, and ultra-dynamic optical transceivers as well as optical switching solutions in order to cope with the diverse needs of the industrial networks and expedite their truly digital transformation.
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The partners have been brought together due to their expertise and expected contributions to individual technical aspects of SPRINTER project. Their expertise and technical infrastructure are absolutely necessary for achieving SPRINTER objectives.

12 partners

10 countries

2 academic organizations

3 research institutes

5 large companies

2 SMEs